Already 17 years old, this Genomebag 423 S belongs to me. On it, I sew everything, from leather bags to a veils as thin as a sheet. A little over seven years ago was the only time I ever contacted the master to set up the zigzag. On occasion, I went out and purchased two more feet: a lamp for edging with oblique trim and an assembly foot. The assembly foot creates tidy assemblies on cloth and allows the user to choose the depth of the tuck as well as the distance between each tuck. The most important thing is to choose needles with the appropriate thickness for the different types of fabric, leather, and fur. Lubricate in time This machine is nothing short of a miracle and a dream come true!
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Прессер-нож Singer Even Feed/Walking - вилка, идеальный для точного сочетания полос и клетчатого узора, для стежки и шитья на ворсистых тканях - упрощает шитье
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Удобный нож для молний для швейных машин с низким штоком - комплект из 1 шт. нож для молнии и 1 шт. незаметный нож для молнии - совместим с машинами Singer, Brother, Babylock, Janome, Kenmore, Juki, New Home, Elna.
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