My last helmet was a Torc with built in Bluetooth. It worked well, but often turned off Bluetooth completely for a few seconds. I needed a new helmet and found this ILM. It was a great price. After considering the pros and cons of adding Bluetooth versus buying an integrated headset, I decided the add-on was much better. If it fails, you can easily replace it. No, with the embedded version. Because of this, I lived with low-quality Bluetooth. So far this has never broken the connection. The sound is even slightly better than the TORC with built-in earphones. SMALL disadvantages: 1) You have to unplug the headphone plug to charge it --- and a BIG problem, the plug is not standardized. It would be much better if you didn't have to unplug the headphone jack every time you charge and you could charge it with a standard cell phone charger. Now you need to take your charger with you when you travel. But overall a great product. This is a strong 4 star product.
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