My 20 month old grandson loves this cycle! But I have one piece of advice - this is for a small child. It sits low to the ground, making it perfect for the little guy whose feet aren't ready to pedal. If you have a big or older child I would go with a bigger tricycle. But great for a kids set. It's almost entirely plastic and lightweight. Which in turn is great for a toddler. He can take it and drag it wherever he wants. The biggest downside is that this thing is NOT assembled. You have to put everything together. I don't mean just hitting the wheels - I mean everything. And the instructions are pictures that don't really tell you how to do it. Grandpa loves to build things so it wasn't a big deal for him but assembling it wasn't easy. When you separate the pieces from each other, there are small plastic protrusions that need to be cut or sanded. But if you have someone who knows how to pack, you won't have any problems.
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