I don't know what all the negative reviews are talking about but these bags are great! I bought jumbo storage bags because I knew they would be bigger than I wanted. I put king and queen comforters separately in each pocket, but I could put a few things in each pocket and it would be fine. A trick that I noticed, as with any bag, to save space, is to position the suction opening directly on the item you have in the bag so that it better sucks all the air. I've made a few bags differently with my vacuum and found that if you don't do it this way the bottom or other side of the bag will stick to itself and you won't get the flatness you want. Even when I sucked on each other, I would push/pull the other side and pull out more air without "tearing" or making a hole in the pouch. I don't know how someone can accidentally rip a bag, I mean come on they're plastic but I wasn't exactly careful with my bags when I filled them and I still haven't encountered a tear problem. I got them and didn't use them right away but last weekend I made all my duvets and tucked them underneath, they're still flat and haven't lost any air so again I don't know what those negative reviews are where about. Overall worth the money and this is a great product. I will definitely order them again in other sizes if needed.
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