I bought this bag knowing the price would be worth it. The quality of the build means it will last a long time. It feels stronger and more durable when you get to hold it in person. Empty, it feels heavier than the traditional canvas bags from the military even though its less than half the size and for good reason. Military duffels traditionally would wear out in the matter of a few years. This one will last much longer with minimal caution or concern. The design of the bag with the top loading design, sling style strap, and water resistant zippers is exactly what I have been looking for. This is serving as my EDC bag for my 13in laptop, rain jacket, water bottle, and other equipment I bring with me everyday and has space to spare. My wife even commented about how small it looks yet how much it can hold. It can also serve as a travel bag as it complies with TSA requirements and is lockable.
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