This is such an affordable 5 piece set. I will use them as diaper bags. I'm glad I found a bag that wasn't a regular backpack. The extra pockets and changing pad were a plus. They're also gender neutral, which is great. The larger pocket offers enough space for diapers, tissues, changing pads, clothes, milk formula, etc. This is the perfect bag for everyday use. The smaller bag is perfect for quick trips and toddlers. I use a round pacifier pouch. The bottle pocket is not insulated but protects other pockets from small spills. I prefer large changing pads and this one is too small for me so I probably won't use it that often. The pad isn't bulky, so I carry it in my bag in case I forget to pack my main pad. They will most likely be my most important diaper bags.
COSYLAND Waterproof Diaper Bag Backpack With Large Capacity For Mom And Dad - Stylish Nappy Bag With Insulated Pockets, Stroller Straps, And Luggage Strap - Ideal For Travel And Daily Use
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Urban backpack Xiaomi 90 Points Vibrant College Casual Backpack (yellow), yellow
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Stylish And Practical: Liname'S Premium Diaper Bag Backpack With Extra-Wide Zip, Large Capacity, And Waterproof Changing Pad
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Gray Diaper Bag Backpack With Large Changing Pad, Stroller Straps And Insulated Bottle Pockets
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Baby Girls Boys Crib Bedding Changing Pad Cover Blush Watercolor Table Pads
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Kushies Deluxe Flannel Change Pad Pink Crazy Bubbles Baby Diaper Changing Mat
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Soft And Stylish BlueSnail Changing Pad Cover Set For Boys And Girls - Gray+Blue Arrow Design
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