I order 3 pieces. They all arrived in good condition and each works as described. They were easy to assemble and securely fasten despite only having to mount two screws. They roll freely on our hard floors. My kids (>7) aren't heavy enough to put them down when the seat opens. They are very durable, neither the support nor the rear swing. The description says the back is low but that doesn't mean lumbar support, just not full height to support the head and shoulders. My (5ft 2in) back falls just below my shoulder blades to the bottom of my chest. It's on my 2 year old daughter's shoulders and head but she doesn't seem to be in any danger if she leans back. This forces a fairly upright posture when you recline. They are not small as they are only suitable for children but quite suitable for my 7 year old. I would say that by age 7 and older it is possible to keep the recommended position of both feet on the floor and lean back fully into the seat as recommended for desk writing. They don't hold color well. I probably won't paint them, but I wanted to add that detail just in case. In the photo, the chairs are in the lowest and highest positions. I definitely recommend them.
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