Does it have to be fake or something? I used to be able to buy them straight from the regular store where I lived. Now I have to order them online. The packaging was different, they were only in a small pouch, whereas I physically bought them before they came in a Wacom box with the appropriate label. They were all wobbly, uneven, and with protruding jagged edges. Some of them didn't even stay in the paddock, they were too skinny. Presumably this is the right size and I followed the link from the Wacom store here to Revain but they don't appear to be genuine Wacom products, the difference is clear after years of buying them from a physical store with no problems (Animate in Sapporo ). I will try to go directly through Wacom. com now, but I'm disappointed they actually linked to their store here. I hope to get real ones from them when I order from their main website. On the left a random bag of deformed tips from Revain, on the right a neat box from Wacom.