This strap is MUCH better than the standard DJI 3 point strap. If you are used to wearing fat sharks or other analog goggles, using this strap will not be a problem. The battery strap for DJI Goggles is useless because there is no USB discharge place in the flashlight. I just bought a cheap $10 battery strap clip and attached the battery and clip holder to the back of the iFlight head strap, works with no problems. I use the iflight battery strap to route the DJI USB power cable that runs from the battery to the power connector on the goggles out of the way. It was easy to attach with the included high quality metal head mounting plates. The headband has a buckle adjustment, but it never stays where you put it, so I'm deducting a star for that. Overall I'm happier with this headband than the useless stock DJI.