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Review on Officexlr HRM by Justin Quinones

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great Product with Awesome Support and Customer Service

I like that it is able to read my payroll information from our ADP system, which makes paying employees much easier than manually inputting everything each month (especially since we have so many different positions under one employee). The interface can be difficult at times as well! We've been having some issues figuring out how certain features work together in order for us not only keep up but also learn new things along this journey of automating processes through Excel VBA macros using OfficeXLrHRMSoftware!! It's great once you figure them both apart because then they don't seem quite connected anymore :) Keep trying though - eventually those connections will click. There are definitely better options available now-a days when looking into solutions such office365/Outlook 365 etc., however there isn’t anything else currently offering what OXM does without going directly against their license agreement or costing more money per user compared other competitors products & services offered today.

  • Great program;
  • Easy access via Outlook 2016 / outlook online with no restrictions
  • Excellent response time by support team.
  • Very competitive pricing versus any competition within market place software offerings
  • So-so