I was worried about this bag once it arrived. A single cut of leather all the way up the sides. Most bags I have had are seamed or doubled at the top to give it a nice finished look Once I tried the bag however, This did not matter to me anymore. This bag is awesome! It's comfortable and roomy. I love the middle zipper compartment that is barely detectable once you have belongings inside, a great way to deter thieves. I always look for a bag that has a single pocket on the outside in which to put my keys so I always know where they are and they are easy to get to. The lining is a god quality heavier fabric than most silky linings. I worried about that feature at first also, but the only thing I do not like is that my wallet is also black and it is hard to see. I will purchase a bright colored wallet next time to remedy that. The leather is extremely durable and reists scuffing and scratches. I worried that because it didn't have little feet at the bottom that the leather might get extremely scuffed there but it has not. I would totally recommend this bag to anyone who wants a little roomier alternative but one not so large that you could carry around everything you own. I LOVE this bag!
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