UPDATE - I bought it in May, now it's only July and it turns off for no reason. I turn it off, turn it on, it works for 5 minutes and then stops again. Have hardly used it. Just cheap Chinese junk. You get what you pay for! Original review May 2021. bought this mainly for the usb function. It's pretty much useless. It doesn't move to the next folder, in fact there's no button for that at all! He just skips to the next song. So adding a USB drive with a bunch of MP3s in different folders doesn't work. I hooked it up to my TV and it works fine, but when I then play the mp3 via USB or Bluetooth I can still hear the TV playing quietly in the background. So it's basically just for use with a TV or just Bluetooth. The remote control works but becomes slower. The sound is good, it spins loud. If you just need a stereo receiver for your TV it will do, or to play songs on it from your phone via Bluetooth it also works well.
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