This headset from LucidSound has everything you want in a gaming headset! Build quality class A high end, mic is good but I mostly use another mic on a stand etc. Very comfortable and stylish looking yes they are big but look at all other in ear headphones. For the price I got for it I would honestly pay over $200 for a headset of this quality. Since my gaming setup desktop monitor has high quality speakers that accept optical audio and Xbox as well as any other device, there is an optional audio output, but I went with a splitter with an amplifier that can use a switch or splitter, your specific Requirements I'll determine what I want my headset and speakers to do at the same time, so there's no switch etc. There's also a nice USB headset stand here for about $30 that gives you one stand as well as two regular ones Sockets as well as 3 USB provides sockets for charging the headset. I'll be doing a review video shortly as there isn't much to say about these headsets but I'm giving an A+ rating and a grossly underrated company, it's like the quality of Harmon Kardon mixed with Bose and Boston Acoustic, yes, I know the sounds and brands of my company. I'm 29 and a father of 3, you can't go wrong with this headset and if it's still on sale just buy it now, thanks later.