Got this after finding it on Gizmodo Daily Deal for about $39. I waited a while before pulling the trigger on the monitor stand as most of them cost closer to $100, but under $40 I was like "what the heck". I only use it during the day but I have to say it works very well. At the moment I only have 24" and 17" screens installed (waiting for a second 24" screen) but I have to say it works exactly as described. The monitors are easy to move to different angles and positions, the VESA mounts are easy to use, all the screws and brackets are included (you can mount with a clamp or a long mount screw through a hole in your desk) and the instructions are clear and easy to follow.The only downside is that it is quite heavy (and should be rated for large monitors given the weight) but that's easy to overlook as most of them are hefty Would buy again.