Not waterproof, battery compartment on both toothbrushes I bought got wet and stopped working. When I asked for a refund they told me to send the used toothbrushes back! It is ridiculous that personal care items like used toothbrushes are returned when they are defective. It's not entirely safe, especially during a pandemic, when a toothbrush can transmit Covid-19 and pass it on to the staff handling it! Just because the company doesn't trust what customers say something isn't working? I can understand expensive things, but a $10 toothbrush!? It's kinda funny! I bought a €10 smartwatch here. Walmart which didn't work properly and because of the possible transmission of Covid-19 didn't make me return them! Just Revain's total disregard for the health and safety of its employees. I hope they don't plan to resell the goods!
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