I don't know what happened but the acrylic I originally got from this seller was incredibly good quality and cut very well with my laser cutter. I have ordered from this seller several times and was very satisfied until my last order. The original acrylic had no branding on the mask, the acrylic I recently received was a Plaskolite product. Masking tape is different and the plastic itself appears to be different. I'm assuming it's extruded acrylic, not cast, although the intricate cutouts don't work for that plastic. I need to buy more but I don't want to risk the product being worse/more difficult to use. A new product isn't useless, but I hate retuning and wasting material when you've got everything perfectly tuned to the product you're used to.
24" X 48" Polycarbonate Plastic Sheet 1/8" Thick | Shatter Resistant, Easier To Cut & Bend Than Plexiglass | For Robotics Teams, Hobbyists, DIYers, Industrial Crafts
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Nexen N "FERA SU1 205/55 R16 94W summer
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Acrylic Plexiglass Plastic Protective Projects
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Falken Acrylic Plexiglass Fluorescent Red Pink: Vibrant ๐จ and Versatile Transparent Panel for Stunning Dรฉcor and Displays
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