These treat bags are absolutely perfect. I love that they don't have any lettering and just stick to cute and simple designs for the season. They're big enough to hold a few handfuls of candy or a few homemade treats. All four designs in this set are transparent, including one with a black background. The mostly black background is harder to spot, but the design is done in such a way that you probably won't surprise anyone with the content. I don't mind as I only fill them with juice boxes and Halloween candy, but if you're hoping to dress something up you'll need to pre-package it. The quality of these packages is just that, what I had hoped for. I could fit a pencil, a juice box, a sheet of stickers, and 10 candies in the pouches without worrying about them tearing or tearing the seams. They are well made and look great. Overall I would highly recommend these bags to anyone looking for goodies for the season. They are of high quality, have a charming design and give your treats a special touch.
🎁 Премиум качество прозрачного плоского целлофанового пакета 11x14 дюймов (1,2 мил) - идеальные материалы для подарочных корзин оптом.
6 Review
Прозрачные перепланировки сумки ClearBags
8 Review
🎁 Удобные 20-пакетов прозрачных корзинных пакетов с бантами - идеальный набор упаковки для 10 пакетов из целлофановой обертки и 10 бантов
6 Review
🎁 Подарочные пакеты из целлофана - набор из 10 прозрачных корзинных пакетов, 12" х 18", толщина 1,2 мил, идеально подходят для маленьких корзин и подарков
5 Review
CCINEE Рождественская гигантская упаковочная веревка
8 Review
Набор из 2-х больших мешков для белья с ручками и завязками в синем и бежевом цвете - Бытовые приборы/2 штуки
9 Review
TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support feet on the side, waterproof, wear-resistant, 52 l, size S, dark blue
9 Review
🎁 Рождественские мешочки-мешки со шнурком: 22 шт. Рождественских подарков различных стилей для упаковки подарков на рождественской вечеринке
9 Review