So far we have used bike handlebar mount, selfie stick, head and chest mount. Everything works great. The suction cup worked as it should and maintained speeds in excess of 80mph. The bike rack mount is good and looks like something I bought at my local bike shop for $20. This was used for mountain biking and it didn't slip or move. I like the selfie stick, or as the kit says, retractable monopod. The bottom of this selfie stick has an internal tripod thread, and it is convenient to screw on and off the tripod. One of the reasons I chose this kit was that the selfie stick has a phone holder that allows me to view my shots in real time and is very helpful on a tripod. everything else looks like it's built really well but haven't tried it yet. I plan to show an unboxing video of this device on my YouTube channel soon. Again, this is a great purchase and I recommend it to everyone, especially if you're new to using the Go Pro and aren't sure what accessories you might need.
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