These bags are well made and good value for money. I didn't expect to be happy given the many negative reviews. I paid less than $20 for each bag and I have to say. I'm not sure where the complaints are. The material is comfortable and dense, the seams are well sewn. The wheels are not like a skateboard, but unlike previous reviews I've read, they are NOT plastic. I originally bought them to use for a weekend trip with my kids. I don't feel like carrying our huge luggage for 2 nights. You are perfect. My 3 year old daughter especially loves it. She's been rolling it around the house non-stop since we got it. The price was the best I could find for similar bags and the quality was well above what I expected in the price range. If you're looking for a decent bag at a great price, this is a good choice. If you're looking for luxury or something you can drag down the pavement every day, you probably need something different.
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