We've been using it for half a year. During this time: the monitor fell a couple of times and the camera was accidentally flooded once - everything works stably, which indicates the reliability of the device. Conclusion: better not to drop) The mount that comes with the kit is very convenient, but we accidentally forgot it on vacation in another city, we had to buy a regular photo tripod, the thread is the same, as it turned out. The application on the phone is convenient, but the functions are minimal, although it is possible to hear, see, and control the camera. There are several applications for this model. The one that the manufacturer recommends to Smartbabies and the other one, which is called Elro babycam. Their functions are essentially the same. Only the design is slightly different. The battery for the camera is a simple power bank, but very conveniently clinging to the bottom of the camera. Enough of it for 8 hours plus or minus. Usually this is enough. Happy with the purchase.
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