Bought as a replacement for my 18 year old son who doesn't like gaming accessories to say the least. This is very frustrating and I think we need a replacement every 3-4 months. TBH - I will replace no matter what the price of the controller is spent on. So why waste $$ when we have a usage and abuse pattern!? This controller delivers what it promises. It fits a hand with an ergonomic grip - in fact, mine doesn't use leather or button caps because its grip feels hard. The paddles and/or fins on the top feel responsive. This is something my son is very picky about (bullet points!). Well! Backpacks are "extra" and that's something I don't need for his special needs. But as I was told, the feature works as expectedโฆ** I like the longer charging cable that comes with it which means it can reach more than in front of the car! Charge Retention: When fully charged, they give the expected hours of play before needing to be charged and restored. . Seems to be 3-4 hours. solid continuous play - you'll start to notice lag and responsiveness from there. I recommend charging one controller with another and keeping the system spinning while playing - otherwise you'll be playing tethered to the console via a cable. In general. worthy replacement. For $21, this delivers solid results that can keep the player happy and save money in the process. We hope this information helps you make a decision. stay healthy.