Let me first say that overall this is a good case. The iPad slides in and out of the case easily, the Apple pencil holder is great and the hinge works well. The reason for the 3 stars is that the space bar is not as sensitive as the rest of the keys. This problem causes me to waste a lot of extra time going back and splitting lines of words that don't contain spaces. Another problem with the spacebar is that the farther from the center the spacebar is, the harder you have to press it for it to work. If the spacebar was as sensitive as the rest of the keys, I would give it five stars. Even typing this on my iPad (in this case), I have to type slower, go back and add spaces between words, and press really hard for the spacebar to work. I wouldn't recommend this if you're typing fast with a soft touch, you'll spend a lot of time going back and adding spaces between words.