I wasn't sure if it was worth buying this solar panel with the ridiculous name, but dammit, I was wrong! That worked great for me. The light above my driveway needed a battery change every two weeks. Also with two batteries! I decided to buy a solar panel based on the price and reviews but really wasn't sure. Believe me it was right! When I installed it one battery was completely empty and the other 30%. Within 4 days both batteries were at 100% and since then I've never been below 70% on one battery and 100% on the other! The ring cam works a lot there because I live on a busy road, so the solar panel gets a lot of load and shines like a rose! I just bought a second one to put a bell on the back door where there is no wiring. Don't worry about the name! You can trust this thing to do what they say! UPDATE: 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! The ring camera often works there, because I live on a busy road, so the solar panel gets a lot of load and shines like a rose! I just bought a second one to put a bell on the back door where there is no wiring. Don't worry about the name! You can trust this thing to do what they say! UPDATE: 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! The ring cam works a lot there because I live on a busy road, so the solar panel gets a lot of load and shines like a rose! I just bought a second one to put a bell on the back door where there is no wiring. Don't worry about the name! You can trust this thing to do what they say! UPDATE: 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT! 6 months later and I have never had one of my batteries in my ring chamber/light below 80% and the other at 100%! I was a little worried that this deal would be expensive, but I was wrong! It still works GREAT!
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