I bought a YoTuTun USB microphone (see here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QZ3YT6K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1), the one amazing recording has sound, a nice "echo" (reverb) effect to add and has no problem picking up background noise at all. However, this YoTuTun mic didn't come with a "boom" mic stand, i.e. an adjustable metal arm like this Ray-JrMALL. So I chose the Ray-JrMALL version as it "looked" the same in terms of quality, echo controls, etc. However, as mentioned, the YoTuTun mic has a much better recording quality and doesn't pick up background noise ( I don't know why), so I ended up just using an adjustable "arrow" mic stand with the mic. YoTuTo and kept the Ray-Jr as a backup mic for other uses. I'm not disappointed because basically I got 2 mics, 2 small stands and 1 nice adjustable wrist rest for only $53 which I think is a good deal. That being said, the YoTuTun mic (link above) is the best mic in terms of sound quality and noise cancellation (it's actually really good), but for the use I'm making I needed an adjustable wrist rest. , which attaches well to my desk and allows me to position the mic in any position I want (which is very important when doing voiceovers, podcasting, etc.). Anyway, I hope this review helps!