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790 Review
83 Karma

Review on IT WORKS Recruitment Inc. by Chase Hosea

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great service and support offered for recruitment needs

I like that they are honest, reliable & professional! They never let you down - always there to answer your questions or help with any issues/concerns relating directly (or indirectly) regarding their services provided by them as an agency / recruiter within our organisation.- nothing so far- though it's still early days yet in this relationshipI would say try one of these guys out if looking at getting someone into work place full time employment but not sure how well suited long term permanent contracts will be from experience elsewhere? No problems we have had over 7 years now since launching working through iWorksRecruiting.

  • Honest Service
  • Reliable Customer service team
  • Great people who know what clients needs best when interviewing staff for roles.
  • Clear line between client support vs internal HR function where necessary; which is good because otherwise can become messy due too confusion sometimes.Dislikes:
  • Sometimes lack understanding about other parts outside my own scope e
  • I will keep silent