I bought a video in m for 5400, a 2-year warranty, by sound: Write this microphone, in my opinion, it’s normal, given its price guys ! it seems to me that it writes very evenly, for voice acting and announcers it will be a significant plus, it writes clearly without a special voice color, I definitely advise you to take it for a budget studio or a home studio, only Chinese is cheaper China, but here it’s still akg and a 2-year warranty, I compared it with audio technica at 2022, at 2050, at 2035 and I almost don’t see a difference, the technique has a slightly denser sound and a more protruding middle, there is a bit more bass in the voice, akg has an even sound , clear, without voice color, for whom a clear even voice is important, take akg, who needs a denser and brighter voice, then at2022 or 2035,2050, I repeat, the differences are minimal