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809 Review
33 Karma

Review on SmartFleet by Bohyun Hansen

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Very quick and straightforward way with minimal initial setup time

Easy to set up for new vehicles as it can import data straight from vehicle computer systems into an easy Excel spreadsheet format that you then just update when things change such as mileage etc.- No problems so far other than not having more advanced features out of box - but if they were there we would have used them! We are able track our fuel usage using miles driven in each day which allows us see how much profit or loss was generated by particular journeys/days compared against expected performance at various times throughout year (which also helps keep budgets).

  • The ease with setting this system is great, no previous experience needed!!
  • It imports directly all information required without needing any additional inputting manually; saving time &/or money spent doing extra work elsewhere.The interface itself looks good too..It's very user friendly..Easy access via website link provided...No need even download software...Also gives info about what kind gas /diesel cars use most petrol....Can be accessed remotely through
  • It is hard to say