Edgile specializes in providing sustainable solutions designed to help clients address their evolving governance, risk and compliance requirements across industries, including healthcare, banking, utilities, manufacturing, telecom and others.
This is an easy-to use platform that allows you have complete control over your data privacy regulations within minutes! Honestly there's not much I dislike about this software; it has everything one needs for GDPR compliant management of personal information. There are several different modules (e.g., eDPSO module) available so choosing what fits best with your specific organization can be tricky. The more features they add on each update the better the product gets. If I could make something…
Very user friendly
Easy navigation through content
Good support team always willing &/or quick in responding back
I like how easy it is for me as an employee of our organization (which relies heavily upon EDGILE)to access all aspects/tiers within this system without having any training or experience with such programs! There are so many options that can be used throughout your day-from scheduling meetings via phone calls & video conferencing sessions through email correspondence etc.-that you could easily get overwhelmed if there were not people around who have been trained well enough by edgilenetworks…
We've had great success collaborating online over google docs; howeverit would beneaththeir
I have been using Edgile for over 10 years and can't imagine going back to another platform. They have been able to provide my company with a secure, efficient and robust platform for managing and storing documents and files. They also have an easy to use interface and customer support is amazing. There isn't anything I can think of that I would like to change.
I would highly recommend Edgile to any business. They have been able to provide us with a secure, efficient and robust platform for…
Easy setup
Secure environment (SSL)
Strong encryption algorithm used
User friendly web UI
Ease Of UseEasy To SetupStrong SecurityAlgorithmEfficientDocument Retention SystemReliableCustomer SupportWell DocumentedWide VarietyIncluded FeaturesSecure SSLSecurityEncryptedAES 256BitsFastNetwork ConnectivityHigh SpeedInternetConnectivitityUser Friendly InterfaceWorks Well With All DevicesSimpleTo UnderstandComplex DocumentsSt
I have used Edgele for several years now with great success; nothing at this time! Their support staff is very responsive when needed - they are always there after hours as well (which isn't too many cases). It's not an easy task managing so much data but it seems like you get what your payed/paid from them if that makes any sense? If anyone wants good advice or needs assistance getting up t date then EDGILE IS THE COMPANY FOR YOU!! We provide quality assurance services by auditing other…
Easy interface
Great user experience
Full integration within SAP systems & sharing capabilities among users who should never ever touch excel again :)