Tru-i is a digital signage software that was designed to make digital signages truly dynamic, help increase stickiness, impact, recall and thus deliver higher ROI to clients.
I like how easy it makes my job as an admin easier by having everything in one place for all of our locations! It's very user friendly so there are no issues with training new employees or getting them up speed quickly when they join us at any location we have this system installed!! There isn't much i dislike about trui suite but if you're looking into something similar maybe look elsewhere because other companies offer more features/functionality than what tru does (at least from their…
Easy to navigate, keeps records straight forward
Allows access control via login feature.
Keeps inventory organized along side purchasing history too!!!
I like how easy it seems for people who have little knowledge of IT/programming languages can use this system with ease! It's also very simple compared other systems which are more complicated than necessary in my opinion (ease = great!).
So far our experience has been positive but we haven't used all functions yet so there may be some things not available or difficult features still need improving upon etcetera - just keep using what you've got until they improve their product!! We're trying…
Very user friendly interface if that is your thing; ) Easy accessability by phone app too..Easy setup process..Great customer service team even remotely across UK borders...You'll get no problems here whatsoever !!!!
Nothing really apart maybe cost factoring into consideration? : )