I had some doubts about this build plate as it was cheaper. I read some reviews and decided to give it a try. I didn't like printing on the surface of the paper as I could see the scratches that formed where the prints came off. I haven't had a resin printer in over a few months so I was worried about adding issues but I needed a removable work surface. He appeared at the door, well wrapped in bubble wrap. There were no scratches or stains when taken out of the box, it looked perfect and smooth. The magnet felt very strong. I cleaned everything very well and waited a bit to make sure all residue was washed off. I was a little disappointed to see that it was slightly smaller than the Qidi Shadow 6 build plate, but only marginally. I centered the magnet on the build plate as carefully as possible so it lays flat. The magnet is fairly rigid, so keeping it in a horizontal position wasn't difficult. The spring steel plate is thin enough to be flexible but stiff enough to stay very flat. It looked really good and I didn't even think about smoothing it out. This adds a few mm to the z-height. My Shadow 6 has a setting to change the z-stop so I set the orientation and the new height. Everything looked fine so I added some resin and did a small test print. When the slab hit the ground, it didn't stop at the right height and I had to stop it urgently. I found that the end stop blade didn't penetrate deep enough into the optical switch to keep it going all the time. I've read of a shim that can be printed for printers without adjusting the z-stop, but by looking at the blade I was able to bend it a bit to move it down about the width added by the new plate . After releveling, I made a few adjustments to keep the build surface as flat as possible. I decided to print some new cable chain parts to upgrade my fdm printer. I filled the plate as much as possible and tested the prints directly on the plate without supports. They printed beautifully and, with a slight bend, jumped off the plate immediately. I did about 10 more sets and then did a 13 hour print that had previously failed 5 times. Super printed. Take some time to get the perfect level and you will love this plate. After about 40 prints I only had one error and that was a file setup issue. worth your money.
Шаговый двигатель NEMA 17 со встроенным ходовым винтом T8 400 мм для повышения производительности 3D-принтера RepRap Prusa I3 по оси Z или станка с ЧПУ - Iverntech
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Плата управления BIGTREETECH SKR 3 EZ 32-битная новая обновленная бесшумная плата Поддержка EZ2209/ EZ5160/ EZ2130 Шаговый драйвер Совместимость с сенсорным экраном серии TFT, DIY для большинства 3D-принтеров FDM (с 5 шт. EZ2209)
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