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You can top up your card, the interface is excellent and easy to understand. I'm happy with everything. I would also like to mention a recent innovation with the community of English-speaking users in telegrams, respect! For experienced traders, it is a good exchange for BTC trading. Knowledgeable people understand what I mean. I advise this platform because the commission on the output of the fiat is minimal and all works without problems.See full review

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Infinito Wallet is a multi-currency mobile wallet that supports iOS and Android operating systems. The client is owned by a well-known and very large developer company called Infinity Blockchain Labs. She is one of the most key developers of blockchain solutions. The advantages of the Infinito Wallet include its ease of use, concise design, large list of supported coins, speed of transactions and multilingualism. The developers of the project tried to do everything to make the product convenieSee full review

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elena braginab.

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Joined in August 12, 2020