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I have been working at this exchange for more than half a year, I quit my main job about two months ago and have no regrets at all. I trade exclusively in altcoins, so yobit is the best option for me. He used to use Unocoin's services but has recently transferred all assets to yobit. For several reasons, it is much more profitable to have access to withdrawals directly in today's environment. Thank you, yobit!See full review

trezor one logo

Trezor is a wallet for secure transactions in cryptocurrencies. He was a pioneer of cold storage and for many has become the security standard for storage and transactions with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. When using the wallet, your transactions are safe even on an unsecured computer thanks to modern cryptography and closed transactions that take place only inside the wallet architecture. All your transactions are confirmed by pressing a button, and the connection of the wallet is accoSee full review

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Jakov KrukK.

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Joined in August 11, 2020