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OK? yes this is the first exchange that I have known since jumping into the world of cryptocurrency, where several new coins / tokens will be listed here and it makes me happy, with a simple and clean user interface, this makes people feel comfortable trading here and also an easy menu To be understood, it will make new users more comfortable and what I like most about this exchange is the minimum deposit and trading that makes a little beginner like me so I can learn trading here and it is verySee full review

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Who does not know Bittrex? everyone who plays crytocurrency must be familiar with this exchange, yes this is bittrex, the biggest crypto exchange for now, has a lot of famous coins / tokens and a very tight security system makes this exchange trusted by everyone, but because it must be kyc with verification that is tight for trading, making it difficult for some people to trade at Bittrex, but that can be plus and minus points, but this still makes Bittrex the biggest exchange to dateSee full review

Riswanda Himawan photo

Riswanda HimawanH.

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Joined in April 28, 2020