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I'm using the official 64-bit AppImage from the Jaxx website. I've tested it with the latest version of Linux Mint (19.1) and it has the same issue. Another laptop runs Jaxx a fully updated 64-bit version of Windows 10 Home. It has the same issue too. The market, portfolio, and wallet does not update in real-time, not even close to it. It often takes up to a minute or worse. And it has nothing to do with my devices or internet connection. I may as well buy a print version of market data if a digSee full review

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Binance offers enough of everything when it comes to buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrency. Most people do not need to go elsewhere, as it has everything you need Experienced traders may want to try somewhere, as it lacks more detailed information and analysis tools. But for most users that's exactly what they need, as they don't know how to use those anyway. The best for me about Binance is that is available for people in the majority of developing countries. Many other exchanges I've tSee full review

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Neil MadronM.

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Joined in June 28, 2019