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Air coin, stay away.

Revainrating 1 out of 5

Air coin, stay away.See full review

qash logo

Qash is proposed by japan centralized exchanges as air base money, and still needs large effort to reach global liquidity. The most important, it is still centralized, which is against the future.See full review

dentacoin logo

Infrequent usage won't have much chance.See full review

nebulas logo

The true decentralized search engine is built upon decentralized computing platform, and store data index in decentralized way, and search for datas in centralized storage and decentralized storage.See full review

ark logo

Good engineering job, but no big or significant innovation to attract large group of users and develops.See full review

digixdao logo

The off-chain process is not secure enough, including gold production, verification and storage.See full review

golem logo

Still needs more efforts, both in design and development progress. The direction is right, and quite ahead of situation. When decentralized storage matures, decentralized computation will be the spotlight. Golem has advantages, but still face challenges.See full review

frank liu photo

frank liul.

Novice Writer
1 Level
7 Review
5 Karma
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Joined in May 08, 2018