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I like this trust wallet, I have been using this wallet for more than 2 years, overall I think this wallet is very good, we can also adjust the eth gas fee according to what we want as long as you see how much the gwei fee is at ethgasstation. This wallet also has a multi coin feature. You can store lots of non erc20 cain like TRX, DOGE, BTC and others. but behind these advantages has the disadvantage of not having an eos wallet, I hope that in the future it can be improved again.this wallet alsSee full review

kucoin logo

Overall, this exchange is very easy to use besides trading only 0.1%. This exchange is also very fast when withdrawing money, withdrawal tax is also very cheap when using TRX coins or XRP. I hope that in the future it can be at the level of customer support. continue to develop the spirit of this exchange to be more advanced and successful becoming the largest web exchange in the world.See full review

bittrex logo

overall in my opinion bittrex exchange is pretty good, with a low trading fee of only 0.25% also to make the account very easy. but in the customer support is very lacking, because I sent the mail was never answered. I hope this can be improved and pay more attention to its customer support, so that no users are confused anymore when using this web exchange. I hope this bittrex can rival the exchange binance. keep the spirit to increase the quality of its exchange.See full review

Muhammad Addin Albani photo

Muhammad Addin AlbaniA.

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3 Review
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Hello,My Name is Muhammad Addin Albani,I From Indonesian

Joined in April 28, 2020