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OKEx is a world-leading digital asset exchange, providing advanced financial services to global traders by using blockchain technology. OKEx provides hundreds of token & futures trading pairs to help traders to optimize their strategy. We are also one of the top digital asset exchanges by trading volume, serving millions of users in over 100 countries. Our BTC futures trade has nearly $1.5B of volume daily, and is widely recognized as the gold standard for the industry.See full review

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0x is an open, permission-less protocol facilitating ERC20 tokens to be traded on the Ethereum blockchain.See full review

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Bitshares is a decentralized exchange that is part of Microsoft Azure Blockchain. BitShares is ready for government regulation with a smart contract blockchain built with Wall Street in mind. Equities are backed by assets and used for streamlined financial exchanges with a distributed ledger to track trades as necessary.See full review

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QTUM could be explained as a hybrid protocol between Bitcoin blockchain and Ethereum virtual machines. In other words, QTUM is a better bitcoin protocol supporting ETH smart contract. It benefits from upgrades to both Ethereum and Bitcoin in the long run. One of the recent developments in Bitcoin which might really boost QTUM is Lightning Network. Backed by well-known VC and investors, for example, Bo Shen (Fenbushi Capital) and love-him-or-hate-him Roger Ver (Bitcoin investor) and technology biSee full review

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Decred is an open, progressive, and self-funding cryptocurrency with a system of community-based governance integrated into its blockchain. At its core is a hybridized proof-of-work proof-of-stake (PoW/PoS) consensus system that aims to strike a balance between PoW miners and PoS voters to create a more robust notion of consensus. The project is a result of the theoretical proposals brought by proof-of-activity (PoA) and MC2 in 2013.See full review

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Bytecoin is a private, open-source crypto project since 2012. By focusing on the decentralization, fully anonymity and untraceable transactions, these are, nowadays, becoming more and more highly-demanded trend. Bytecoin could become a unicorn in the blockchain space.See full review

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hung toant.

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Joined in September 15, 2018