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HASHBIT Coin A New Way To Amass Wealth

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Hbit coin emerged in May of 2021. In only 1 year of activities the operators were able to build up a massive structure for Hbit-users. At the beginning, they gave free mined coins on Tron wallet, then they asked users to transfer back to the actual Blockchain mainnet-wallet. The operators continue to engaged more than 14 exchanges to distribute Hbit-coins to the public. Now, more and more people are aware of Hashbit-platform as the Telegrams channels are very active and engaging others on socialSee full review

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Naldo AvalosA.

Novice Writer
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From Latin America and handles 4 languages, namely; Guarani, Tagalog, English, and Spanish. I am a former missionary of the Divine Word Society; I studied Theology, and Philosophy, finished a BS in Computer Science, and obtained a master's degree in MAT, majoring in English by LSP-University in Asia in 2007. I love music, reading, sports, concerts, and dances. Anything under the sun, I'm interested in history, social issues, religion, people, and culture in general.

Philippines, Makati City
Joined in August 21, 2022