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If you are an experienced player, I advise you to pay attention to InvestBox. Great exchange, lots of currency pairs, and interesting tokens. Sometimes you can get a promising coin, which gives x5 in a couple of months. In my country, Coinsecure is very popular, but recently I heard about YoBit. For me personally, it is much more convenient, for a number of reasons.See full review

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The Ledger Nano X hardware wallet is a new flagship model from the renowned French manufacturer Ledger SAS. The official announcement of the addition to the Ledger lineup was announced in early 2019. Compared to the younger model, the Nano X has a Bluetooth connection, a built-in battery for autonomous operation, and an improved display with a higher resolution. And most importantly, the new product has increased memory capacity, which will allow you to simultaneously download up to 100 applicatSee full review

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Baturova SvetaS.

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Joined in August 13, 2020