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Poloniex is a cryptocurrency exchange that deals with many things that touch the world of cryptocurrencies. It is very easy to use if you ask me, all you need to do is follow the steps that were previously explained to you and that is all. However many orders made in earlier years have simply been lost due to the negligence of the people working for Poloniex. Due to a bad site, it often happens that the site simply breaks down and some transactions are lost. The big future is ahead of Poloniex bSee full review

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Ethereum is a cryptocurrency that was discovered in late 2013, it was discovered by developer Vitalik Buterin. From 2013 until today, Ethereum is becoming more and more popular and in its popularity it takes the second place right after bitcoin. With its popularity, the price has also grown, which is currently not very reliable because it has been in a big drop in the last few weeks, which does not mean that it will not be in a big rise in the next few weeks. My honest opinion is that this cryptSee full review

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When we talk about bitcoin, it is very important to find out what bitcoin really is, in short, bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is obtained by working with your graphics card or processor, in a word, mining. It was made in 2008 by a man named Satoshi Nakamoto and started to be used in 2009. When we get acquainted with bitcoin we can say some good sides of this cryptocurrency. It is very easy to get bitcoin, you do not need physical or mental effort to get it. Turn on the machine and it does allSee full review

Ivan Zdravkovic photo

Ivan ZdravkovicZ.

Novice Writer
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I was born in 1997. in a small town called Bor. There i was finished my elementary and primary school. After that i go in Capital Town called Belgrade and finish faculty of Civil Engineering.

Working in company for Civil Engineering
Joined in May 24, 2021