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Bitcoin is a universal virtual currency created in 2009, a very different currency from the one found on the forex market. It is an autonomous monetary system that does not require banks to process transactions. Initially used only by geeks, it gradually spread all over the world. Since its creation the value of Bitcoin has increased significantly (+628% since last year), allowing many people to make a profit. This remains an advantage even if the bitcoin can lose its value quickly. For the See full review

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The second son of the lineage of digital coins, Litecoin has been able to gain a prominent place despite the cumbersome presence of the founder of this new family of currencies, the Bitcoin, and the competition of many younger brothers, from Ethereum to Ripple. The question we are asking today, in a world that is becoming increasingly crowded with new cryptocurrencies, is whether it is still worth buying Litecoin or whether it is rather the case to focus their attention on new and more promisingSee full review

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SEO CreativoC.

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Joined in October 09, 2018