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When you want to get exchange or make transactions, mining or make a investment, the silver cryptocurrency is the one of the best if not the better, Litecoin generates blocks every 2 and half minutes, it mean is more fast 75 % than Bitcoin,is running on structure can reduce times for transactions, this allow make micro payments, and give a better experience to users, you can mining with hi profit efficiency. Litecoin allow many performances in its sistem in different sceneries with so much inSee full review

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Luis SuarezS.

Novice Writer
1 Level
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Was born in Cantaura, Anzoátegui Venezuela, working around de Word I had known many people and make good friends, studied industrial engineering in UDO, 5 kids, I love fútbol, actually investigating about H uses, and development a new equipment of O2 and H.

Well testing supervisor
Joined in May 08, 2021

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