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BEBANG πŸ”­ Binoculars & Scopes

All: 3
premium 10x42 binoculars for adults: lightweight, waterproof & perfect for outdoor adventures! logo
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

5 Review

Binoculars compact with 10X magnification, will make the distant scenery and animals closer to 10 times the distance to watch, 42mm objective, wide vision, light can penetrate through clearly, colorful, very suitable for adults and kids for outdoor travel, watch animals and concerts etc. Rugged construction: the product shell is made of aluminum alloy…

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bebang binoculars 10x42 hd professional with bak4 prism fmc lens for adults, ideal for bird watching and hunting, includes smartphone adapter, tripod mounting adapter, and harness strap logo
Revainrating 5 out of 5

2 Review

The broad field of vision -- 10 x42 binoculars for adults birdwatching, 10X magnification, 42mm diameter of large objective lens, 303 feet / 1000 square meters large visual field, wide field of vision, presents the high quality of the image effect, very suitable for stargazing, concert and other activities. High quality optical elements -- BaK-4 prisms…

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