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HIRO πŸ“‘ Network Antennas

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πŸ“Ά h50328 dual band wireless 802.11ac 11ac 802.11n 11n 2.4 ghz 2.4g 5ghz 5g wi-fi 5dbi omnidirectional antenna with 5ft shielded rg-174 cable and rp-sma connector - external antenna with magnetic base logo
Revainrating 5 out of 5

3 Review

HiRO H50328 Dual Band Wireless 802.11ac 11ac 802.11n 11n 2.4 GHz 2.4G 5GHz 5G WiFi 5dBi Omnidirectional 5ft Shielded RG-174 Cable RP-SMA connector External Antenna Magnetic Base.

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