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40-pack of 4-inch white plastic glitter snowflake ornaments for christmas decorations, winter weddings, xmas parties - miahart christmas snowflake ornaments logo
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

4 Review

Package:40pcs plastic glittery white hanging snowflake ornaments in 4 various style with ropes,all the white snowflake ornaments in 4 inches. Christmas Tree Ornaments: Glitter plastic snowflakes hanging decorations have vivid snowflake shapes, to create a warm atmosphere and decorate for the Christmas party. Easy to use:string the snowflake pieces up by…

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40 pack gold glitter snowflake ornaments - perfect for christmas tree, winter weddings, and xmas parties logo
Revainrating 4 out of 5

3 Review

Package:40pcs plastic glittery gold hanging snowflake ornaments in 4 various style with ropes,all the gold snowflake ornaments in 4 inches. Christmas Tree Ornaments: Glitter plastic snowflakes hanging decorations have vivid snowflake shapes, to create a warm atmosphere and decorate for the Christmas party. Easy to use:string the snowflake pieces up by…

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