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ROSMARUS 🧹 Rugs, Pads & Protectors

All: 2
luxurious grey rosmarus faux fur area rug 2'x4' with suede backing - plush shag carpet for bedroom or living room - soft and stylish throw rug runner - perfect for bedside or floor dΓ©cor logo
Revainrating 4 out of 5

3 Review

Do you have a little one who is fond of playing on the floor or have a habit of sitting on the ground. If so, ROSMARUS area rug is a "must buy" for your home. Fully relaxing lie on your fuzzy carpet and close your eyes, the high fur pile gives a super soft feeling to the touch, which caused you to feel like in a cloud, bring you to fall into wonderful…

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soft and luxurious rosmarus faux fur area rug 3'x5' plush throw rug runner with suede backing - perfect for bedroom, living room or bedside - grey rectangle shag carpet furry rugs logo
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

2 Review

Do you have a little one who is fond of playing on the floor or have a habit of sitting on the ground. If so, ROSMARUS area rug is a "must buy" for your home. Fully relaxing lie on your fuzzy carpet and close your eyes, the high fur pile gives a super soft feeling to the touch, which caused you to feel like in a cloud, bring you to fall into wonderful…

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