For over two years now, Bithumb is a social exchange service that provides high-quality features to a set of service for traders. Being global has permitted the team to move on a higher level of recognition. Customers have explored the quality of this page starting with its physical appearance (like interface, technology usage, and loading time), as well as the internal operations (financial activities, and responses). In general lines, the service is optimized. It works with great efficiency even in the mobile app.
And about that, the mobile app is even better because it permits to execution of trading operations in a reduced period. With security and control over your transactions, Bithumb permits you to interact in a global market where thousands of trade came daily.
The systems bring support to most than a hundred tokens. But currently, it has some tokens that are blocked because of failures with their original roots. It is good that this company acts with fairness to offer a confident and trustworthy service.
NOTE: Bithumb is not especially good in liquidity. You must assess personally the offers the market brings in the value of your assets.