since there are uncountable numbers of exchange platform available, there are also good and worst exchange platform available. It is now left for the user to have a proper review on this platform before trading on any of them.
Bytex exchange is eaen exchange platform from Asia, specifically in Singapore. According to research, Singapore are the leading Asian country, when it comes to crypto exchange.
Bytex was released in the year 2018, but when I tried accessing this exchange platform in 2019, there wasn't any legit information regarding this platform. The websites is difficult for users to access. As information about this platform are not given.
Bytex exchange was mainly created to support crypto currency. Fiat currency are not welcomed on this platform. But now, users can't even trade their currency on this platform, since it is no longer functional.
exchange platform is no more a recommendable platform for trading. All thanks to revain for making it known to me and other users.