Sabi is a multi Cryptocurrency trading platform from Nigeria that has user friendly interface with many trading tools that allow users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using bank transfer, credit card and Cryptocurrency method of deposit that give ways to investors and traders to trade through their choice of deposit including the new traders. Deposit is free on sabi Exchange platform, it charge flat of 0•20% on both market makers and takers which is a little bit lower than the industry average but still high compared to some exchange that charge 0•10% or below
Registration is easy on the platform only email or phone number and password is required to register but level one KYC verification must be done immediately after signing up so that user will allow to trade, meanwhile level one KYC is know as basic verification which is to know if user ID card number and the name on it are consistent or not while level two is advanced and know as biometric identification that requires user photo holding the ID card and other information
In conclusion, I have not used the exchange but gathering information about the exchange and through with the KYC before trade and I will update my review concerning sabi exchange Platform after used. Please do your own research before invest in any trading platform.