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Master the Art of Styling Your Solid White Pocket Square by SelectedStyle for Any Occasion

Master the Art of Styling Your Solid White Pocket Square by SelectedStyle for Any Occasion

How to fold a pocket square into different shapes?

Pocket squares can add a touch of style and sophistication to any outfit. Learning how to fold a pocket square in different shapes can help you customize your look for any occasion.

Basic Folds

  • The Simple Fold - Lay the pocket square flat and fold it in half diagonally. Place it in your pocket with the straight edge facing up and the pointed edge facing down.
  • The Two-Point Fold - Fold the pocket square into a rectangle. Then fold it in half diagonally both ways to create two pointed edges. Place it in your pocket with two points facing up.
  • The Three-Point Fold - Fold the square into a triangle. Fold the triangle in half diagonally to create three pointed edges. Place it in your pocket with three points facing up.

Intermediate Folds

  • The Four-Point Fold - Fold the pocket square into a triangle, then fold the edges in to create a smaller triangle with four pointed edges. Place it in your pocket with four points facing up.
  • The Crown Fold - Lay the pocket square flat and fold the four corners in toward the center. Then lift up the corners to create four points. Place it in your pocket with the points facing up.

With just a few simple folds, you can transform a pocket square into a stylish accessory. Experiment with different shapes and folds to find your favorite looks.

How to coordinate a pocket square with your outfit?

Adding a pocket square can elevate your look, but it's important to coordinate it properly with the rest of your outfit. Here are some tips on how to match a pocket square to your attire:

Match Colors

  • Go monochromatic - Choose a pocket square in the exact same color as your shirt or tie for a streamlined look.
  • Complementary colors - Pick a pocket square in a color that complements the dominant color in your outfit, like navy with tan or purple with gray.
  • Triadic colors - Select pocket square hues that are equidistant on the color wheel from the main color in your outfit for visual interest.

Match Patterns

  • Same patterns - Wearing a pocket square with the same pattern as your shirt or tie can look bold and elegant.
  • Contrasting scales - Choose a pocket square with a pattern in the same color scheme but different scale from your outfit for a visually appealing mix.
  • Texture - A pocket square with an interesting texture, like herringbone or polka dots, can work with solid color clothing.

Tie It All Together

Finish off your look by selecting a fold for your pocket square that complements the formality of the occasion. The key is to let the pocket square enhance, not overwhelm your outfit.

How to clean and care for a silk pocket square?

Silk pocket squares add a luxurious touch to any outfit, but they require special care to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips on cleaning and caring for silk pocket squares:

Hand Washing

  • Fill a sink or basin with cool water and add a mild, silk-safe detergent. Allow the pocket square to soak for a few minutes.
  • Gently swish the pocket square in the water to dislodge any dirt and stains. Do not wring, twist or scrub the fabric.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cool water until all soap residue is removed. Gently press out excess water but do not wring.


  • Lay the pocket square flat on a clean towel and roll up to absorb excess moisture.
  • Unroll the pocket square and smooth out any wrinkles. Lay flat to air dry, away from direct sunlight.
  • Once completely dry, gently iron on low heat if needed to remove any remaining wrinkles.


  • Refold the pocket square neatly before storing.
  • Keep in a breathable fabric bag or box away from moisture and sunlight.
  • Avoid folding or storing while still damp, as creases may set.

With proper washing and storage methods, silk pocket squares can retain their beauty and elegance for many wears.

How to accessorize with a pocket square for different occasions?

Pocket squares are a versatile accessory that can be tailored to fit a variety of dress codes. Here are some tips on selecting and styling a pocket square for different occasions:

Business Formal

  • Solid color white, gray or blue pocket square in linen or cotton.
  • Simple fold like two-point or three-point.
  • Coordinates with shirt, tie and suit colors.

Business Casual

  • Bolder patterns like checks, plaids or paisleys.
  • Textured fabrics like wool, cotton or linen.
  • More complex folds like puff or crown.

Smart Casual

  • Playful prints and colors.
  • Soft textures like silk or velvet.
  • Asymmetrical shapes like cascading points.

Black Tie

  • White or black silk pocket square to match colors.
  • Formal folds like single point or pyramid.
  • May match lapel details of tuxedo.

Creative Black Tie

  • Sparkling accents like jewel tones or metallics.
  • Unique shapes like rectangles or circles.
  • Folds styled with flair like puff or crown.

With the right styling, pocket squares can complement everything from a power suit to a tuxedo.

How to get an Amazon Prime subscription for a profit in the Solid White Pocket Square by SelectedStyle?

Amazon Prime provides a range of benefits for online shoppers, including fast free shipping and access to movies, music and more. Here are some tips on how to maximize the value of a Prime subscription when purchasing the Solid White Pocket Square by SelectedStyle:

Take advantage of the free trial

Amazon offers a 30-day free trial of Prime membership. Sign up for the free trial before purchasing the pocket square so you can get free expedited shipping at no extra cost.

Use subscription sharing

Split the cost of a Prime membership by sharing it with someone else. Add up to 4 family members or friends to your Prime account. This way you can both utilize the benefits when buying products like the pocket square.

Leverage the Prime Wardrobe

Prime members can use the Prime Wardrobe to order the pocket square and try it on at home before committing to purchase. Return any unused items at no extra charge.

Buy discounted gift cards

Purchase an Amazon gift card at a discounted rate from a reseller site. Then use the gift card towards your purchase of the pocket square to save even more.

Stack with coupons

Combine any available coupons, promotions or discounts with your Prime membership benefits when ordering the pocket square to maximize savings.

With strategies like these, a Prime subscription can easily pay for itself in shipping savings and other benefits when purchasing products like the Solid White Pocket Square by SelectedStyle.

How To Style A Solid White Pocket Square For A Formal Event?

A solid white pocket square is a classic and versatile accessory that can elevate any formal outfit. Here are some tips on how to style it for a formal event:

  1. Choose a plain white pocket square for a formal occasion. It is the most traditional and elegant option that works with any jacket and pattern combination.
  2. Fold the pocket square into a flat fold for the most formal look. This fold is simple and timeless, and it works for any situation or event.
  3. Avoid matching your tie and pocket square color. Instead, opt for complementary colors and textures to add interest to your outfit.
  4. Coordinate the pocket square with other accessories, such as cufflinks or a tie clip, to create a cohesive look.
  5. Keep the pocket square clean and well-pressed. A wrinkled or stained pocket square can ruin the entire outfit.
  6. Remember that formal events adhere to time-tested rules, so it's best to stick to classic styles and colors.

What Are Some Other Colors That Can Be Paired With A Solid White Pocket Square For A Formal Event?

A solid white pocket square is a classic accessory that can be paired with any jacket and tie combination for a formal event. However, if you want to add some color to your outfit, here are some other colors that can be paired with a solid white pocket square:

  • Navy blue: A navy blue suit with a white pocket square is a timeless and elegant combination that works for any formal occasion.
  • Black: A black suit with a white pocket square is a classic and sophisticated look that is perfect for black-tie events.
  • Gray: A gray suit with a white pocket square is a modern and stylish combination that is perfect for a formal business event.
  • Burgundy: A burgundy tie with a white pocket square is a bold and elegant combination that adds a pop of color to your outfit.
  • Light blue: A light blue shirt with a white pocket square is a fresh and stylish combination that is perfect for a spring or summer wedding.
  • Red: A red tie with a white pocket square is a bold and confident combination that is perfect for a formal event.
  • Remember to choose a pocket square that complements your outfit and adds interest to your look without overpowering it.

    What Are Some Color Combinations That Work Well With A White Pocket Square For A Formal Event?

    When it comes to pairing a white pocket square with other colors for a formal event, there are several options to consider. Here are some color combinations that work well with a white pocket square:

  • Black and white: A white pocket square paired with a black suit and tie is a classic and sophisticated combination that is perfect for black-tie events.
  • Navy blue and white: A white pocket square paired with a navy blue suit and tie is a timeless and elegant combination that works for any formal occasion.
  • Gray and white: A white pocket square paired with a gray suit and tie is a modern and stylish combination that is perfect for a formal business event.
  • Burgundy and white: A white pocket square paired with a burgundy tie or suit is a bold and elegant combination that adds a pop of color to your outfit.
  • Light blue and white: A white pocket square paired with a light blue shirt and tie is a fresh and stylish combination that is perfect for a spring or summer wedding.
  • Remember to choose colors that complement each other and create a cohesive look. It's also important to keep in mind the formality of the event and choose colors and patterns accordingly.

    What Are Some Color Combinations That Work Well With A White Pocket Square For A Summer Wedding?

    When it comes to pairing a white pocket square with other colors for a summer wedding, there are several options to consider. Here are some color combinations that work well with a white pocket square:

  • Navy blue and white: A white pocket square paired with a navy blue suit and tie is a timeless and elegant combination that works for any formal occasion. This combination is perfect for a summer wedding as it is light and fresh.
  • Light gray and white: A white pocket square paired with a light gray suit and tie is a modern and stylish combination that is perfect for a summer wedding. This combination is perfect for a beach or outdoor wedding.
  • Blush pink and white: A white pocket square paired with a blush pink suit or tie is a soft and romantic combination that is perfect for a summer wedding. This combination is perfect for a garden or outdoor wedding.
  • Light blue and white: A white pocket square paired with a light blue suit and tie is a fresh and stylish combination that is perfect for a summer wedding. This combination is perfect for a beach or outdoor wedding.
  • Mint green and white: A white pocket square paired with a mint green suit or tie is a unique and refreshing combination that is perfect for a summer wedding. This combination is perfect for a garden or outdoor wedding.
  • Remember to choose colors that complement each other and create a cohesive look. It's also important to keep in mind the formality of the event and choose colors and patterns accordingly.

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